There are many independently maintained 'plugins' created by the 'flutter_map' community that give extra, prebuilt functionality, saving you even more time and potentially money.
Some pages in this documentation provide direct links to these plugins to make it easier for you to find a suitable plugin.
However, if you're just browsing, a full list is provided below (in no particular order), containing many of the available plugins. You can click on any of the tiles to visit its GitHub repo or package.
Although these plugins have been checked by 'flutter_map' maintainers, we do not accept responsibility for any issues or threats posed by independently maintained plugins.
Use plugins at your own risk.
There is no guarantee that any of these plugins will support the latest version of flutter_map. Please remain patient with the plugin authors/owners.
Many plugins provide multiple methods to achieve similar goals. It is recommended to read the documentation of each potential plugin before using it in your project, as they might have slightly different feature sets or stability.
flutter_map_animations (TesteurManiak)
Replacement MapController
which provides animated movement alternatives
flutter_map_geojson (jozes)
Parse GeoJson data and transform into map features
flutter_osrm (JaffaKetchup)
Query an OSRM-based server to provide routing and other related functionality
flutter_map_query_osm_features (JaffaKetchup)
Query OpenStreetMap features within a radius of a point, using the Overpass and OSM APIs
vector_map_tiles (greensopinion)
Suite of tools and layers for working with vector maps and associated style files
flutter_map_polywidget (TimBaumgart)
Layer that allows any widget to be displayed inside a positioned box, similar to Overlay Image Layer
fluttermap_heatmap (tprebs)
Layer that represents multiple data points in a density-to-color relationship
lat_lon_grid_plugin (matthiasdittmer)
Layer that shows a grid of latitude longitude lines
flutter_map_compass (josxha)
Simple compass that illustrates the direction of the map rotation (not the user's real heading)
To help choose between one of these plugins or a DIY solution, see:
Offline Mappingflutter_map_tile_caching (JaffaKetchup)
Advanced, performant, highly configurable caching & bulk downloading (under a GPL license)
flutter_map_cache (josxha)
Lightweight mid-term tile caching with support for most storage backends and request cancellation.
flutter_map_mbtiles (josxha)
Offline and online MBTiles parser and provider (vector variant also available)
flutter_map_pmtiles (josxha)
Offline and online PMTiles parser and provider (vector variant also available)
sflutter_map_location_marker (tlserver)
Provides a prebuilt solution to display the user's location and heading/direction
flutter_map_marker_popup (rorystephenson)
Provides a prebuilt solution to display a popup above a marker when tapped
flutter_map_floating_marker_titles (androidseb)
Enables the display of 'floating' titles over markers
flutter_map_fast_markers (KanarekApp)
Improves performance of markers by painting directly onto canvas
flutter_map_supercluster (rorystephenson)
Superfastâ„¢ marker clustering solution, without animations
flutter_map_marker_cluster (lpongetti)
Beautiful and animated marker clustering solution
flutter_map_radius_cluster (rorystephenson)
Marker clustering solution with support for async
marker searching within a radius
s & Polygon