Event Handling

If building a custom layer (Creating New Layers), consider using FlutterMapState directly instead.

When changes happen to FlutterMap's internal state, such as a change to the current position or zoom, it emits a MapEvent, which can be handled by you.

Catching All Events

There's two ways to catch all emitted MapEvents, and use them/the Stream<MapEvent> directly.

These methods expose the raw MapEvent, and is recommended in cases where multiple events need to be caught, or there's no more specific callback method available in MapOptions.

  • Listening to a MapController's mapEventStream

  • Specifying a callback method in MapOptions.onMapEvent

Catching Specific Events

If only a couple of events need to be caught, such as just an onTap handler, it is possible to avoid handling the raw Stream of MapEvents. Instead, MapOptions has callbacks available for the following events:

  • onTap

  • onLongPress

  • onPositionChanged

  • onPointerDown/onPointerUp/onPointerHover/onPointerCancel

  • onMapReady Primarily used for advanced MapController Usage In initState()

The MapEventTap event may be emitted (or the onTap callback called) 250ms after the actual tap occurred, as this is the acceptable delay between the two taps in a double tap zoom gesture.

If this causes noticeable jank or a bad experience (for example, on desktop platforms), disable InteractiveFlag.doubleTapZoom:

options: MapOptions(
    interactiveFlags: ~InteractiveFlag.doubleTapZoom,

This disables the double tap handler, so the MapEventTap is emitted 'instantly' on tap.

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