
Support Us

Please consider donating to keep this project going! We're extremely grateful all donations of any size. They keep us going and will allow us to cover any unforeseen or future costs, and potentially open up more doors and opportunities in future!

We'll donate 15% of what we receive to the OpenStreetMap Foundation, as a thanks for their excellent work. The remainder goes directly to improving flutter_map.

Enter a nickname to be listed below in Past Supporters, and enter your Discord username to be granted the "Supporter" role on our server and gain access to a special supporter-only chat channel. These benefits last indefinitely (but may take 48 hours to grant, as this is done manually).

(Donation links appear below)

We'd love it if you could help keep our payment processing fees low! Stripe has a complex payment fee structure, but by avoiding more mainstream donation collection platforms, we can keep most of your donation.

Of course, please choose whatever is most convienient and safe for you - we're really thankful for anything you can spare. Card and Google/Apple Pay options are always available, and are quick and easy!

If you live in the UK, please use the GBP link and pay via Bacs Direct Debit if that isn't a problem.

If you live in the EU/Eurozone:

  • If you live in the Netherlands and have an iDEAL compatible bank account, please select the EUR link and use iDEAL to pay if that suits you

  • If you don't mind using SEPA Direct Debit, please use the EUR link

  • Otherwise, please consider paying in GBP

If you live in the US, please consider using ACH/bank account methods via the USD link, otherwise, please consider paying in GBP.

If you live elsewhere, please consider paying in GBP.

Note that paying in a currency different to your own may incur conversion fees and international transaction fees set by your banking provider.

If you would like to donate a larger amount, offer a bounty, or setup recurring donations, please get in touch! Also check out Why Choose flutter_map? if you'd like to get some advertising space for your project.

As any donated money is not being exchanged for goods, and we are not a registered business, refunds are not given (although they may be given in exceptional circumstances at our discretion).

We use Stripe for payments, analytics, and other business services. Stripe may collect personal data including via cookies and similar technologies. The personal data Stripe collects may include transactional data and identifying information about devices that connect to its services. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection, loss prevention, authentication, and analytics related to the performance of its services. You can learn more about Stripe and read its privacy policy at https://stripe.com/privacy.

Past Supporters

Huge thanks to all our past supporters, you help keep this project going. In no particular order, thanks to:

  • androidseb

  • Roundtrip

  • corepuncher

  • Maxi

  • V3ntus


  • ishcherbina

  • ... and everyone else who donated anonymously

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