Control Camera

To control the map (such as moving it to a new position and zoom level), you'll need a MapController. The controller does not provide access to the current viewport/camera: that is the responsibility of MapCamera.

Usage Inside Of A FlutterMap Child

To control the map from within the context of a FlutterMap widget, use MapController.of(context).

If this throws a StateError, try wrapping the concerned widget in a Builder, to ensure the FlutterMap widget is parenting the BuildContext. If this has no effect, use Usage Outside Of FlutterMap instead.

Usage Outside Of FlutterMap


To use a MapController, it must initialised like any other object and then passed to the FlutterMap. This attaches them until the map is disposed.

final mapController = MapController();

Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
        mapController: mapController,
        // ...

Usage Inside initState()

Sometimes, it is necessary MapController in initState() before the map has been built, for example to attach an event listener (Listen To Events). This is not directly possible, as the map must be built for the controller to be attached.

Instead, use the MapOptions.onMapReady callback. The initialised MapController can be used freely within it.

final mapController = MapController();

Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
        mapController: mapController,
        options: MapOptions(
            onMapReady: () {
                mapController.mapEventStream.listen((evt) {});
                // And any other `MapController` dependent non-movement methods

MapController methods that change the position of the map should not be used instantly in onMapReady - see issue #1507.

Using them as a reaction to a map event is still fine.

Animated Movements

Whilst animated movements through MapControllers aren't built-in, the community maintained plugin flutter_map_animations provides this, and much more!

The example application also includes a page demonstrating a custom animated map movement without the plugin.

Last updated

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